
Websites From Only $7.99 / Month

Mini Plan$7.99/Month

  • * 10 GIG Bandwidth
  • * 10 GIG storage
  • * 15 Email accounts
  • * 10 Mysql, 40 FTP accounts
  • * 5 Domain Add-ons
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Silver Plan$14.99/Month

  • * 100 GIG Bandwidth
  • * 100 GIG storage
  • * 50 Email accounts
  • * 25 Mysql, 40 FTP accounts
  • * 20 Domain Add-ons
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Ultimate Plan$19.99/Month

  • * Unlimited Bandwidth
  • * 500 GIG storage
  • * Unlimited Email accounts
  • * Unlimited Mysql, and FTP
  • * Unlimited Domain Add-ons
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      Illinois hosting

      Web Space Hosting

      We provide local web hosting to the largest city in Illinois, Chicago.

      We have multiple Illinois web hosting server facilities making Web Space Hosting one of Illinois largest web hosting providers of Chicago. Our company was introduced on the internet in early 1999, and our first server was in the heart of downtown Chicago. With our main stream plans to evolve … Web Space Hosting now hosts the general population of websites in Illinois making us your number one choice for Illinois web hosting.