
Websites From Only $7.99 / Month

Mini Plan$7.99/Month

  • * 10 GIG Bandwidth
  • * 10 GIG storage
  • * 15 Email accounts
  • * 10 Mysql, 40 FTP accounts
  • * 5 Domain Add-ons
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Silver Plan$14.99/Month

  • * 100 GIG Bandwidth
  • * 100 GIG storage
  • * 50 Email accounts
  • * 25 Mysql, 40 FTP accounts
  • * 20 Domain Add-ons
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Ultimate Plan$19.99/Month

  • * Unlimited Bandwidth
  • * 500 GIG storage
  • * Unlimited Email accounts
  • * Unlimited Mysql, and FTP
  • * Unlimited Domain Add-ons
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      Cpanel Web Hosting

      Web Space Hosting offers world famous cpanel.

      Site owners can install commonly used web-based applications, such as WordPress blogs, osCommerce stores, and phpBB forums, simply by answering a few quick questions in the cPanel interface.

      Backing up data is simple with cPanel’s Backup Wizard. Our software comes equipped with an interface to help site owners manage and acquire backups for their entire account.

      Virus protection makes it easy to scan files for viruses. Site owners can even prevent other websites from inappropriately using their bandwidth, password-protect areas of a site, and set up cPanel to automatically ban a user who shares a password to a restricted area of the website.

      Many SEOs prefer cPanel because of the amount of information it provides about web traffic. Web statistics can be generated by three different statistics generators. In addition, logs of errors encountered by website visitors, bandwidth tracking, and even raw FTP access logs are available via the cPanel interface.

      Professional web developers love cPanel, too. They can quickly view a server’s PHP configuration, install Ruby Gems, customize error pages and how content is served.

      Localization allows webmasters to use cPanel in Arabic, Bengali, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Dutch, English, French, German, Hindi, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian or Spanish.