
Websites From Only $7.99 / Month

Mini Plan$7.99/Month

  • * 10 GIG Bandwidth
  • * 10 GIG storage
  • * 15 Email accounts
  • * 10 Mysql, 40 FTP accounts
  • * 5 Domain Add-ons
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Silver Plan$14.99/Month

  • * 100 GIG Bandwidth
  • * 100 GIG storage
  • * 50 Email accounts
  • * 25 Mysql, 40 FTP accounts
  • * 20 Domain Add-ons
Signup Now

Ultimate Plan$19.99/Month

  • * Unlimited Bandwidth
  • * 500 GIG storage
  • * Unlimited Email accounts
  • * Unlimited Mysql, and FTP
  • * Unlimited Domain Add-ons
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      Colorado, Denver Web Hosting

      Web Space Hosting is proud to be opening two server locations in Denver, Colorado.

      This will be opening a huge data stream for Web Space Hosting, already providing servers in 25 other Major cities.
      We feel having a broad scope across the United States is much better then focusing on one city like most major upstream
      web hosting companies do.

      Any new customers from Colorado, Denver can use coupon code Colorado web hosting, and receive a onetime 25% off your initial cost for hosting.